My personal learnings
I am on a journey to learn and experience biblical Grace. This page holds my 'oh wow, I didn't know that about Grace' moments based on the research discoveries you read on this website. This is a little like my personal journal to my 2Pt 3:18 growth and understanding of this infinitely deep concept.
- One person who I believe captured the complete essence of Grace was the Duchess of Gordon, when she wrote : O Lord, give me grace to feel the need of Thy grace; give me grace to ask for Thy grace; and when in Thy grace Thou hast given me grace, give me grace to use Thy grace.
- So far, I have found that Grace is both the source of AND the result of my:
- Grace is a continuing action from God in my life. It does not end with the gift of Salvation, but pursues its daily work throughout my Sanctification and finally in my Glorification.
- Because of Luke 12:47-48, I am responsible to make the most of the gift of Grace.
- When writing to saints across the land, the apostle Paul opened every letter with a salutation based on Grace and closed every letter with a blessing based on Grace. It was the most important wish he could have for those he loved.
- The popular acronym from the word GRACE as God's Riches At Christ's Expense holds true in light of biblical texts
- From the story of David showing Grace to Mephibosheth (2 Samuel 9:1-13), I get 4 actions that come from the Grace-filled life David had:
1-Grace seeks and saves (2Sa 9:1-5).
2-Grace restores (2Sa 9:6-9).
3-Grace sustains (2Sa 9:10-12).
4-Grace exalts (2Sa 9:13).
- From What is Grace
Legalism |VS| Grace
Tells you what to do ||| Exhorts you to believe God & His Word
Focuses on traditions, customs and creeds ||| Focuses on Christ
Forces you to conform to accepted practices ||| Allows diversity in practices
Emphasis on rules ||| Emphasis on relationship with God and others
Centers on principles and concepts ||| Centers on Christ
Directs you to what you should be doing ||| Directs you to what God has done
Points you to a cause, a church ||| Points you to Christ
Majors on theology and doctrine ||| Majors on people and ministering to their needs
Seeks to control you, results in alienation ||| Seeks to release you to enjoy God and love
Stresses what you are doing wrong ||| Stresses who you are in Christ
Is judgmental and discouraging ||| Is accepting and encouraging
To be continued. Enjoy this wonderful song on Grace by Matthew West.
- One person who I believe captured the complete essence of Grace was the Duchess of Gordon, when she wrote : O Lord, give me grace to feel the need of Thy grace; give me grace to ask for Thy grace; and when in Thy grace Thou hast given me grace, give me grace to use Thy grace.
- So far, I have found that Grace is both the source of AND the result of my:
- Obedience
- Humility
- Righteousness
- Wisdom
- Love
- Faith
- Prayer (Grace is also the OBJECT of Prayer)
- Grace is a continuing action from God in my life. It does not end with the gift of Salvation, but pursues its daily work throughout my Sanctification and finally in my Glorification.
- Because of Luke 12:47-48, I am responsible to make the most of the gift of Grace.
- When writing to saints across the land, the apostle Paul opened every letter with a salutation based on Grace and closed every letter with a blessing based on Grace. It was the most important wish he could have for those he loved.
- The popular acronym from the word GRACE as God's Riches At Christ's Expense holds true in light of biblical texts
- From the story of David showing Grace to Mephibosheth (2 Samuel 9:1-13), I get 4 actions that come from the Grace-filled life David had:
1-Grace seeks and saves (2Sa 9:1-5).
2-Grace restores (2Sa 9:6-9).
3-Grace sustains (2Sa 9:10-12).
4-Grace exalts (2Sa 9:13).
- From What is Grace
Legalism |VS| Grace
Tells you what to do ||| Exhorts you to believe God & His Word
Focuses on traditions, customs and creeds ||| Focuses on Christ
Forces you to conform to accepted practices ||| Allows diversity in practices
Emphasis on rules ||| Emphasis on relationship with God and others
Centers on principles and concepts ||| Centers on Christ
Directs you to what you should be doing ||| Directs you to what God has done
Points you to a cause, a church ||| Points you to Christ
Majors on theology and doctrine ||| Majors on people and ministering to their needs
Seeks to control you, results in alienation ||| Seeks to release you to enjoy God and love
Stresses what you are doing wrong ||| Stresses who you are in Christ
Is judgmental and discouraging ||| Is accepting and encouraging
To be continued. Enjoy this wonderful song on Grace by Matthew West.