- What is the setting? Man has sinned and cannot reach God on his own deeds.
- What is the value of the Giver and the Receiver sharing the gift? Infinite joy, peace and love.
- What is the frequency of the gift? Is it a recurrent gift? The gift is available anytime and, once accepted, the gift is renewed every day.
- What is the cost of the gift to the giver? His only Son.
- What is the giver's motivation (to say Thank You? to celebrate an occasion? to help out?) To save and to bring His people unto Himself.
- Was the gift planned by the giver? Since eternity past.
- Does the giver have any expectations of returns on the gift? Obedience.
- Is there any additional value to the giver for giving the gift? His glory.
- What are the receiver's expectations? A relationship with Him with Internal peace and joy.
- What is the receiver's gift value? Any additional value post-gift? Eternal life in His presence.